Introduction To Beekeeping

Introduction to Beekeeping in Oxfordshire

The Vale and Downland Beekeepers’ Association’s 8 week course is aimed at people who want to learn more about bees or are interested in taking up beekeeping early next season and is based on the British Beekeepers Association’s ‘Introduction to Beekeeping’ syllabus. It is designed to equip students with the basic skills and knowledge that they will need to keep their own bees safely and productively. The lessons are classroom based and cover both theory and practice where we will look at the basics of beekeeping, hive construction and siting, managing bees, where to get bees and equipment and the importance of bees in the environment. The course runs from 13th October to the 8th December starting at 19:30 on a Thursday evening in Wantage and the cost is £25.

The tutors are John & Lilian Valentine and for more information or to book your place please contact Lilian Valentine:

Phone: 01235 767524


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